Braces can help you attain a more attractive smile. You may have to earn this smile through your efforts however, and you can do this by practicing the art of brushing and flossing more thoroughly. A few extra steps may be needed, but they can help you keep your teeth and braces in good condition.
Before you place the brush to your teeth, the elastics on the braces may need to be removed. This can keep them from getting caught on the brush and prevent the braces from getting disrupted.
You may need to concentrate more of your brushing on the following areas. The tops and bottoms of the brace brackets, the gaps between your teeth and your gum line can all use some attention. As you concentrate more on those areas, you can help them stay clean of plaque.
Flossing can be more of a challenge. Getting a string of dental floss through the braces may be impossible, at least in the normal way. Fortunately, you can find other ways to floss your teeth, which our orthodontist, Dr. Derick Phan, may be able to help you find. A water flosser, for example, can get past the braces by shooting streams of water, which can wash out plaque from between your teeth.
As you practice and hone your brushing and flossing skills, your braces and teeth can be kept clean, and you can focus more on how good your smile can look when the braces are done. If you would like to try braces, we can help you out here at Phan Orthodontics. We are happy to serve those living in or near San Jose, California. To call us, please dial 408.251.7901, and we will answer any questions you have or set up a visit for you.